Gain a deep understanding of Low Testosterone levels (Low T) and explore effective treatments tailored for men
What is Low Testosterone?
Low Testosterone, commonly referred to as Low T, is a condition characterized by an insufficient level of testosterone hormone in the body. Testosterone is a crucial hormone primarily produced in the testicles in men (and in smaller amounts in women’s ovaries). It plays a vital role in various aspects of men’s health.
Take charge of your vitality and reclaim your strength
Women aren’t the only ones that experience a midlife hormonal decline!
Most people are aware that women experience a midlife hormonal decline called menopause but few people realize that men experience a very similar decline called andropause. Male testosterone levels begin dropping in their 20s and continue to drop until the end of their lives.
Many men experience dramatic changes to their overall well-being when they experience low testosterone levels.
The symptoms of low testosterone levels are serious matters and can include lack of sex drive, depression, an increase of abdominal fat, loss of lean mass, and erectile dysfunction just to name a few.
The good news is that andropause can effectively be treated through proper testosterone therapy by our Miami based Anti-Aging doctors.
Androgen Deficiency Identification
Low T
The Androgen Deficiency in Aging Male (ADAM) Questionnaire
The Androgen Deficiency in Aging Males (ADAM) questionnaire was originally published by JE Morley in 2000 at the University of St Louis. The questionnaire was designed to screen for the symptoms of low testosterone or testosterone deficiency in males. The questionnaire is listed below and could indicate if you suffer from low levels of testosterone. Click here to take the test.
Additional Symptoms of Low T
While the ADAM questionnaire is a good starting point to identify if you have an androgen deficiency it is not 100% accurate. Some men might pass the questionnaire but still suffer from low testosterone or Low-T. Additional symptoms of low testosterone levels are listed below.
Have you been misdiagnosed?
Sadly in Miami low testosterone is commonly misdiagnosed!
Many men suffering from low testosterone may not even realize they have a hormone imbalance. Often low testosterone is misdiagnosed as depression or some other age related issue. When this occurs the physician is trying to treat the symptom instead of the cause. This can also cause further problems in the future as the low testosterone levels have been left untreated.
Some men feel they should just live with many of the Low T symptoms because they think they are just a fact of life. What they fail to understand, however is that research has shown that men with low or declining testosterone levels have an increased risk of disease including osteoporosis and diabetes. Low levels of testosterone later in life have also been associated with increased mortality risk.
Most importantly, men with higher levels of testosterone in the middle to later years of life have been shown in studies to enjoy longer, healthier lifespans.
Benefits of Testosterone Therapy
A study of 108 men over age 65 showed that testosterone treatment significantly decreased fat, especially in the arms and legs. Those same men had an increase in lean mass, mostly in the trunk. The men were treated with testosterone for 36 months
Rewind Anti-Aging
Testosterone Therapy Treatment
Treatment Options?
At Rewind Anti-Aging of Miami we offer several testosterone Options. We try to find the best option for our patients based on their lifestyles and preferences.